Maggie Shih

Founder of Tech & Social Impact start-ups

Maggie Shih is a technology veteran (co-founder, executive, advisor, and product leader) with over 20 years of software and mobile product development and business management experience. She has worked with startups, multi-billion dollar companies and everything in between.

Maggie co-founded venture backed mobile SaaS company,, VP of Product Management and Technical Services teams at Datapop (acquired by Criteo (NASDAQ: CRTO), Chief Operating Officer and VP of Product at RSSGraffiti (acquired by Demand Media/Leaf Group (NYSE: LEAF), and a Product lead at Overture (Acquired by Yahoo! now Verizon NYSE: VZ).

In 2018, Maggie took a 2-year sabbatical, moved to Zambia, initiated an essential oils project that established new agriculture markets to local farmers and co-founded MentorMe, a mentorship start-up advising and investing in purpose-driven or social impact companies. In December 2020, Maggie and her Zambian co-founder, Elias Chipmio, partnered with Africa Business Angels Network (ABAN), BongoHive, a Zambia technology and innovation hub, and Prospero Zambia, a UKAid backed entrepreneurial empowerment program in Zambia, to establish ZBAN, the first business angels network in Zambia. Maggie is now back in Los Angeles, CA working as a consultant, adjunct professor, and advisor.

Maggie studied Management Information Systems as an undergrad and has an MBA from the University of Southern California. In her free time, you can find Maggie hiking, snowboarding, playing computer games, reading, and spending time with friends, family, and her cat, Bodhi.