Glendale Tech — Viv Jones
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Viv Jones

Viv is a stay at home mom (mummy) to Edison who is 4 and Arlo who is 3. She is married to her best friend and university sweetheart Steve. In October 2014 they moved 5321 miles from a beautiful Victorian home in Sheffield, England to Anaheim Hills and are loving the wild adventure this move turned their life into. She is so very grateful that this move has given her the opportunity to quit her kinder teacher role to stay home with her crazy whirlwinds and enjoy the adventures of modern motherhood. She is a make up and skincare junkie who loves farmers markets with her little foodies, antique shops, restoring antique finds, reading, baking, eating out, and trying not to spend everything they have in Target! Oh and chips. She LOVES chips (crisps for any Brits reading this). All the chips.

Speaking at Innovative Ways to Grow a Family-Friendly Centric Audience Online For Your Business.